Merry Christmas 2021
This has been such an interesting year for me as I am sure it has been for you. It feels like it went at warp speed.
Last year at this time I was living in a house in McCall Id, getting my exercise by shoveling nearly every day and loving the mountains. It was also this time last year I started to really experiment with watercolor paints, paper and brushes. After being an artist for many years and painting on cotton with an eyedropper, using brushes was intimidating to me.
I started sheepish but kept at it. I posted, shyly on FB and Instagram and to my surprise, people liked them. I submitted an application to a local gallery to be a featured artist and was accepted. I had my first gallery show in March which was very exciting. It was different than other gallery shows being they did not have a reception due to Covid but they did a good job at putting it out there on Social media. I was excited to have sold 3 pieces. In June I started to sell in 2 markets, Donnelly Wens Farmers Market and Eagle Sat Market. I was shocked to hear the great responses and interest. I heard over and over again, "Thank you for sharing your talent". Wow! So much encouragement.
My Walking Observation being in my late 60's, YIKES!, It is never too late to start something new. It's never too late to re-invent yourself. It is never too late to follow your dream. I have wanted to move in to wall art for years but just did take the time to try. Being in the snow, I had the time to play and it has developed into quite an explosion of color.
Why Wait to start. Start now and never ever say you are too old.
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