It is 7:30 PM in Cannon Beach Oregon, a small coastal community.
Cannon Beach has a stay a 'Stay at Home, Stay Safe' in place, all the restaurants are closed or have TOGO only orders. But at 7:30 pm on a Saturday Night, when things are normally jumping, there are 4 cars parked on a 3 block stretch.
In comparison to last weekend, when we had a town FULL of tourist, it is a little comforting that it is only open to the locals. But, there is no one on the street and all business are closed. There is something aerie and comforting. Aerie to not have a sole in a downtown that is normally busy, but strangely comforting to have a safe area to live and walk in.
I am glad that Oregon is taking a proactive approach to this virus, I am glad that the CBCC, where I work, is also being proactive closing down for the next 4 weeks. It does put a burden on our fiances as staff but as I will only be able to cover my bills with no extra money. I thought again and realized, no Biggy! I can't go anywhere anyways. It will be days of staying home and being creative.
I am hunkered down, being creative and eating my home cook food. I am settled in and safe. Although I am at the age of being vulnerable(so 'they' say), I do not feel vulnerable. I have not been sick in 25 years as I do what I can to take care of my health. I work at keeping a strong Immune System which is my first line of defense.
I would encourage you to stay safe in your home, keep your social distance, and feed your Immune System with good nutrition. Body Wise is of the highest quality of nutrition and I am thankful to be involved with such an outstanding company... Now for 25 years
We have no less than 4 weeks to get to know yourself. I am like I like me because I spend a lot of time with me.
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