15 years after her death

This past Aug. 2017, my dad passed away.  While going through some of his things I found his wife's Bible.  Being there was so much to go through in dad's house, I grabbed the bible and put it away to be sure I took it with me.  Just this week I went through a box and pulled out this bible.  I found it so strange and touching to see all her notes on different scripture.  As dad would tell it, she died sitting in her rocker with the bible in her lap. 

Fifteen years ago my dads wife of 35 years died of Breast Cancer.  She was a lovely lady and my dad was happily married to her for 35 years.   He missed her.

Growing up I remember trying to confide in Francis with some things that were challenging to me at the time.  She stopped me and would not allow me to have that kind of conversation with her.  Instead,  she opted out of being a step mother and prefered just being my dads wife.  So from that point on, she was my dads wife and I was fine with that.

During her battle with cancer, we visited often during that time.  We would stop at Subway, get sandwiches for us all, have dinner, talked, laughed and just enjoyed one another.  Those were precious times.

My dad, with his neighbors, put on a beautiful memorial for Francis. It was a beautiful day remembering what a caring person she was.  I remember the pastor had such lovely words to say about Francis as well as all who knew her.  I was touched and impressed.  I never knew she had a faith in God or that she was a regular attendee of a local church.

What has been so surprising is how much I did not know about Francis.  I wonder why in my time of struggle and challenge she never offered me some loving words from the Word.  I guess she never wanted to step on my moms toes which makes sense to me, knowing Francis.

What I do find so strange is that I did not know any of this about Francis until both she and dad were gone. 

My hope is that I do not leave this world without my family, friends and strangers know who I am.  I am the daughter of the Creator of the Universe with my hope in Heaven.

I loved finding these treasures, I would have loved to have shared these wonderful things with Francis while she was here.  Yes, we prayed with her, we asked God for healing but how lovely is it to know she was looking to Jesus up to the end.  Francis, thank you for being so good to my dad for all those years.  Love, My dads Daughter.
