I love Christmas time...
But, every Christmas holds something different for me.
The first Christmas after my marriage ended I was resolved not to get depressed... So, for me, a good meal helps. I buy my favorite food, cook, set the table and serve it up with a nice bottle of wine or Eggnog and Brandy or both. Just because I'm alone does not mean I should have a rotten day.
Every Christmas posses challenges for me and for many of you. The secret is, how you deal with those challenges. My hearts desire would be to spend the day with my kids and their kids, and yet...due to locations, that seldom happens. And that is when Faith and trusting the Lord comes in.
Christmas is a celebration and remembrance that CHRIST was born.
Gift giving is symbolic of the gift we have in Jeasus, but lets not forget,
Jesus was born in a humble leantu, not fancy, not extravagent but humble and still many traveled from near and far to met the baby Jesus, the Promise, The Savior.
So, let me say...
If you feel like you are alone... You are Not !
If you feel like you just dont have enough to do more... You Do!
If you are missing your loved ones...You have Comfort!
You are in the middle of the love of Jesus, walking like Jesus walked, trusting the Savior who loves you.. You are sharing your Christmas with Jesus.
This is such a beautiful time of year...
Be kind, Enjoy your love ones, and show that love around your family, neighborhood and everywhere you go.
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