Thanksgiving Eve.

I love Thanksgiving...  Even the ones I have spent alone...

I miss spending Thanksgiving with my family, but my goal on those Holidays that I do spend alone is not to look at what I don't have but rather...what I do have.  I have a family that loves me even tho they are all in the snow bound states, I have a boat load of grandchildren that are all individuals and wonderful.. I live in a beautiful little town, Carlsbad and I attend a church I love. I am so thankful for them all.

And yet, Thanksgiving can be lonely,(and sometimes it is lonely even in the midst of a crowd).  So, on Thanksgiving Eve...maybe look around town or your neighborhood for someone that has far less than you.. Smile, greet them, and if you have an extra piece of pie or even a plate of Turkey, share.

What I have done and will do again this year  is buy a few $5 gift cards  from a local eatery, fast food or coffee house. I put them in my pocket and when I run into someone who looks like they need a  hot meal and  a warm cup of coffee, I hand them the gift card and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving (or Christmas)..  In fact, buy a couple gift cards and keep them in your wallet all year, so when you run into someone who could use a little boost...hand them a card and wish them well.  That does so much for the human spirit...theirs and yours.

Enjoy your families, your friends, and if you happen to spend it alone...Go for a walk, breath in and be thankful you are alive and can smile and wish those less fortunate well.
Be Blessed!
